19 ago 2011

Vote for New Male Figures from Kotobukiya!

Kotobukiya has opened a website where you can already vote for the male character you want. The logical thingis to vote characters that have never had a figure to scale. Please do not put that typical anime characters ;__;
Here you have
the link. The website is in Japanese so maybe you find it hard but really is not.I'm going to translate to the web... you can vote without worries!

Ok! This is the website.

There are four sections:

Please write the title (of the anime, game or manga) you want

Please write
the name of the character you want.
Please choose
what you want goods figures. (1 / 10 Figures, strap, key chain, clear file, letter set, etc.
If you have any
comments please enter your request for Kotobukiya.
Click here and finish:


If you nees the Japanese characters on wikipedia you can find anime titles and names.
Other Kotobukiya figures here :
Yo voté por Asch del Tales of the abyss. Solo se puede votar una vez por ordenador *__* Este post lo puse en ingles para que todo el mundo pueda votar a los personajes MASCULINOS que quieran y también lo puse en japo para que los japos voten a Asch y se enteren xD
Espero que voteis! Si votais hacermelo saber que me gustaria compartirlo con todos!

P.D: Kotobukiya esta haciendo ahora mismo a Akira y Shiki de Togainu no chi así que no voteis esos personajes , votar otros de otras series. NO VOTEIS LO TÍPICO
PLZ NO Naruto or Bleach or One piece or K-on figures D:

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